Single Sea Kayak

We can not under estimate the performance of a sea or touring kayak when comparing most other styles on the market. Put simply these kayaks are built for speed and touring, suitable for cruising around your local lake or river, as well as handling rough water over longer distance. The hull of a sea kayak is designed to slice through the water for those open ocean conditions, with the added dry storage not only giving space for those overnight expeditions but allowing for the kayak to float even if the kayak fills with water.
Our Otium Kayak is by far our fastest paddler and many of our customers have ventured down the Murray River, as well as doing the Hawkesbury challenge on this kayak. We definitely have rave reviews for this single sea kayak, not to mention the shorter dreamer kayak which suits those after a shorter length that still tracks well and excels in the water. Weekend Warrior may not have the biggest range but our range is definitely tried and tested over and over with excellent results at affordable prices!